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CASTING CALL FOR Welsh/South Wales Based Actor-Musicians'THE MISADVENTURES OF PINOCCHIO': Deadline 4th April 10am

The Bohemians Theatre Company are looking for actor-musicians for a spring tour of 'The Misadventures of Pinocchio: The Radical Robot Girl!' a brand new musical coming to South Wales this May/June. 


Please read through our character and instrument breakdown before completing the form. We are especially keen to welcome submissions from Welsh speaking actor-musicians.


The Show:

Set in post-apocalyptic Wales, we meet a radical robot girl named Pinocchio. She lives inside a cosy little bunker with her caring father Joe. Everything is normal. Well, as normal as it can be when the world’s ended... But one day, Pinocchio discovers something that’ll change her life forever...   

Character Breakdowns:

Each actor will play a member of the Junkfolk Ensemble – a misfit group of storytellers who survived the apocalypse (the narrators of our story). This will be the base-layer character for each performer who will also multi-role in various parts throughout the show. All of whom are great harmony singers and storytellers through song.  

General Note on Instruments: While we are particularly keen to hear from actor-musicians who play the instruments specified. This is not a limited list so do let us know of any others you play below. 


Junkfolker 1 (Male):  

Looking for a strong physical performer with a playful energy and good comic timing. 

Ideal Instruments: Guitar, Banjo, Cello or Bass 

Vocal Range: High Baritone with strong falsetto  

They multi-role as... 

Joe is a retired A.I engineer - he has survived the apocalypse by locking himself away in a nuclear bunker for many years. To remedy his loneliness he created a robot daughter in the form of Pinocchio. Joe adores Pinocchio and enjoys his duties as father - playing games and telling her stories. However, Joe’s fear of the outside world can make him an overprotective parent - much to the frustration of Pinocchio. Ultimately, Joe is a kind soul, though his fearful disposition often prevents him from doing the right thing.  

Harlequin is a robot wrestler. He’s a chaotic clown with a tendency to short-circuit, but also a loyal friend and lovable side-kick to Pinocchio.  


Junkfolker 2 (Open to all genders): 

Looking for charismatic actors with good comic timing and an ear for accents. 

Ideal Instruments: Drums/Percussion  

Vocal Range: Baritone with potential falsetto  

They multi-role as... 

Swallowfire lives for the competition - he’s even built a whole TV show around it. Yes that’s right, he is the proud host of Robot Rampage - the famous robot wrestling show which Pinocchio is recruited into. Ultimately, Swallowfire wants fame…and he’ll do anything to get it. He’ll schmooze with you, he’ll charm you, he’ll make you feel like the most important person on Earth, but at the end of the day he’ll probably stab you in the back.  

Meowza is the son of professional con-woman Foxy. He spends his days helping his Mum turn robots into electric scooters.      


Junkfolker 4 (Female Identifying or Non-Binary):  

Looking for a strong actor who can bring an ethereal energy to the role.    

Ideal Instruments: Piano, Accordion, Flute, Drums? 

Vocal Range: Mezzo   


Indigo is an ethereal figure that acts as Pinocchio’s north star throughout the show. Shrouded in mystery and magic, she wonders the barren wasteland looking for a way to bring back The Old World (pre-apocalypse Earth). She is The Blue Fairy of the piece.   


Junkfolker 5 (Female or Non-Binary):  

Looking for a truthful actor with youthful energy and fire in the belly. 

Ideal Instruments:  Strong Guitar Player (Fingerstlye and Electric Rock) and Bass  

Vocal Range: Mezzo with rock belt 


Pinocchio is a radical robot teenage girl and the hero of our story. Pinocchio’s spent the early years of her life living in a nuclear bunker with a retired A.I engineer call Joe (her father/creator). However, her growing frustration with the confines of her home lead her to embark on a hazardous adventure into the outside world (all against her father’s wishes). Along the way she meets an array of kooky characters which affect her world view - for better or for worse. Ultimately, Pinocchio is an insatiably curious child with a strong will and feisty temperament. Above anything else she craves connection to the people and places around her, but can she find it in a world that’s so broken?  




Please provide us with short clips of your chosen instruments and a clip of you singing (preferably self accompanied if possible). We are happy for you to use clips you have already recorded and therefore it can be any style. Attach the links to this form below. 


We are committed to diverse and inclusive casting. Please submit yourself for roles without regard to disability, neuro-divergancy, age, sexual orientation or gender identity. We are keen to see performers of all ethnicities for this project.


The Production

This will be a fast paced and fun production with a short rehearsal process. The overall project dates including tour are the 6th of May - 8th June. All actors will be involved with get in's and get out's and will have split responsibility over looking after costumes. The fee is £2500 for the contract inclusive of holiday pay. We will be providing accommodation for tour dates away from your base or subs/per diems will be provided instead. Please think about this carefully before applying and make sure you're happy to commit to this. Any questions please email


Recalls will take place at the Sherman Theatre (Cardiff) on the 8th April. Please make sure you are free for this date before applying. 


Deadline: 10am 4th April


We look forward to receiving your application! 



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Company Number: 13153677

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