We are extremely excited to announce our new online season of work called Busk It. Below we have outlined what the season will consist of.
Benji and Abby 'Busk It with...'
On Mondays at 6pm - Benji and Abby Busk It with… We’ll release a weekly Vlog/Podcast on YouTube and SoundCloud respectively, hosted by our very own Benji and Abby. We’ll be delving into how we create our work and talking to special guests about all things Actor-Muso.
Check out the first Episode On YouTube and Soundcloud now.
Episode 1 on YouTube: https://youtu.be/AV3CLfBVvQ0
Episode 1 on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/the-bohemians-theatre-company/sets/benji-and-abby-busk-it-with
Busk It Breakout Artists
On Tuesdays and Thursdays - Busk It Breakout Artists! We’ll be taking to Twitter to lift up and promote Actor-Musicians, Creatives and Theatre Companies who care about the craft of Actor Musicianship. Celebrating and supporting our peers work during this difficult moment in time.
On Twitter @thebohemiansco
If you would like to be featured on Busk It Breakout Artists then e-mail the following to thebohemianstheatreco@gmail.com
- Name/Pronouns
- Twitter Handle
- Your discipline
- Your main Instruments
- General Location
- Your favourite Actor-Musician piece you have seen
- A Short quirky bio that sums you up that fits in a tweet
- A Headshot/Image
- Any links/Videos you want us to add to your thread.
A Virtual Performance - Songs, Stories and Scenes
On Wednesdays at 5pm - Virtual Performances! Throughout May and June we will be sharing songs, stories and scenes from our previous shows, recorded and performed by company members and associates currently in isolation. On Youtube/Facebook
Check out our first virtual performance from Joel Nash below.
Instagram Live Workshop + Q&A
On Fridays - IG Live Workshop + Q&A. After lunch on Fridays company members, friends and associates will take to Instagram to share our way of working and answer any questions people may have about our process.
We do hope you can join us during this crazy moment in time.
The Bohemians Team